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日期:2019-11-13                   来源:                   作者:               关注:

专业 网络空间安全 研究方向 多媒体信息安全、信息隐藏、数字水印、数字取证、智能信息处理
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主要研究领域包括多媒体信息安全、信息隐藏、数字水印、数字取证、智能信息处理等。在IEEE TIFS / TDSC / TMM / TCSVT / TNNLS / TFS、中国科学、软件学报等国内外重要学术期刊,以及ACM MM / IH&MMSec、IEEE ICME / ICASSP / WIFS / APSIPA、IWDW等重要国际会议上发表研究论文200余篇,获授权国家发明专利20余项。作为主编编著《认证理论及应用》(清华大学出版社)和《信息隐藏理论与实践》(XX工业出版社),作为副主编编著《信息论与编码理论》(武汉大学出版社)。先后主持国家自然科学基金5项,以及教育部博士点基金(博导类)、四川省重点研发项目、四川省青年科技基金等省部级科研项目和企业产学研项目18项,并作为主研人参加了多项国家自然科学基金及国家863计划项目的研究工作。研究成果获省部级科技奖励2项、国际会议最佳论文奖3项,部分研究成果已在国家重要部门、电商和电信得到有效应用。担任IWDW 2019国际会议大会主席,以及ICME、APSIPA等多个国际会议的分会场主席或领域主席。中国电子科技集团网络空间安全技术重点实验室第一届学术委员会委员,中国电子学会通信学分会多媒体信息安全专家委员会委员、CCF高级会员,CSIG高级会员、IEEE/ACM会员。























16. 中国博士后科学基金,混沌信息隐藏技术在图像认证中的应用研究,2003033304,2003.6-2004.6


1.Y. Chen,H. Wang, W. Li, W. Li, “A steganography immunoprocessing framework against CNN-based and handcrafted steganalysis,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19: 6055-6069, 2024 (CCF A类期刊)

2.Y. Chen,H. Wang, W. Li, “Constructing immune-cover for improving holistic security of spatial adaptive steganography,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, DOI 10.1109/TDSC.2024.3376815, 2024 (CCF A类期刊)

3.M. He,H. Wang, F. Zhang, S. Abdullahi, L. Yang, “Robust blind video watermarking against geometric deformations and online video sharing platform processing,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(6): 4702-4718, 2023 (CCF A类期刊)

4.Y. Chen, Z. Salcic,H. Wang, K.-K. R. Choo, X. Zhang, “NACA: A joint distortion-based non-additive cost assignment method for video steganography,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(3): 2360-2374, 2023 (CCF A类期刊)

5.R. Zhang,H. Wang, M. Du, H. Liu, Y. Zhou, Q. Zeng, “UMMAFormer: A universal multimodal-adaptive transformer framework for temporal forgery localization,” Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Ottawa, Canada,pp. 8749-8759,2023 (CCF A类国际会议)

6.S. Abdullahi, K. Lv, S. Sun,H. Wang, “Cancelable fingerprint template construction using vector permutation and shift-ordering,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(5): 3828-3844, 2023 (CCF A类期刊)

7.Y. Chen,H. Wang, K.-K. R. Choo, P. He, Z. Salcic, D. Kaafar, X. Zhang, “DDCA: A distortion drift-based cost assignment method for adaptive video steganography in the transform domain,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(4): 2405-2420, 2022 (CCF A类期刊)

8.Y. Chen,H. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Wu, T. Li, A. Malik, “Adaptive video data hiding through cost assignment and STCs,” IEEE Transactions Dependable and Secure Computing, 18(3): 1320-1335, 2021 (CCF A类期刊)

9.S. Abdullahi,H. Wang, T. Li, “Fractal coding-based robust and alignment-free fingerprint image hashing,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15: 2587-2601, 2020 (CCF A类期刊)

10.K. Wang, H. Zhao,H. Wang, “Video steganalysis against motion vector based steganography by adding or subtracting one motion vector value,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 9(5): 741-751, 2014(CCF A类期刊)

11.M. He,H. Wang, F. Zhang, Y. Xiang, “Exploring accurate invariants on polar harmonic Fourier moments in polar coordinates for robust image watermarking,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26: 5435-5449, 2024 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

12.W. Li,H. Wang, Y. Chen, “From cover to immucover: adversarial steganography via immunized cover construction,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 32(3): 1233-1247, 2024 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

13.F. Zhang,H. Wang, M. He, J. Xia, “Robust blind symmetry-based watermarking in the frequency domain against social network processing and desynchronization attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2024.3395802, 2024 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

14.W. Li,H. Wang, Y. Chen, S. Abdullahi, J. Luo, “Constructing immunized stego-image for secure steganography via artificial immune system,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25: 8320-8333, 2023 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

15.P. He, H. Li,H. Wang, S. Wang, X. Jiang, R. Zhang, “Frame-wise detection of double HEVC compression by learning deep spatio-temporal representations in compression domain,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 23(9): 3192-3192, 2021 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

16.R. Zhang,H. Wang, Ju H. Park, et al., “Secure distributed control for consensus of multiple EL systems subject to DoS attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 54 (6): 3879-3890, 2024 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

17.R. Zhang,H. Wang, Ju H. Park, et al., “Fuzzy secure control for nonlinear N-D parabolic PDE-ODE coupled systems under stochastic deception attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30 (8): 3347-3359, 2022 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

18.R. Zhang,H. Wang, Ju H. Park, et al., “Event-triggered impulsive fault-tolerant control for memristor-based RDNNs with actuator faults,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 34(6): 2993-3004, 2023 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

19.R. Zhang,H. Wang, Ju H. Park, et al., “Mode-dependent adaptive event-triggered control for stabilization of Markovian memristor-based reaction-diffusion neural networks,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 34(8): 3939-3951, 2023 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

20.R. Zhang,H. Wang, Ju H. Park, et al., “Quasisynchronization of reaction-diffusion neural networks under deception attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52 (12): 7833-7844, 2022 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

21.H. Wu, Y.-Q Shi,H. Wang, et al., “Separable reversible data hiding for encrypted palette images with color partitioning and flipping verification,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27(8): 1620-1631, 2017(CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

22.P. He, H. Li, B. Li,H. Wang, L. Liu, “Exposing fake bitrate videos using hybrid deep-learning network from recompression error,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30 (11): 4034-4049, 2020 (CCF B类期刊,中科院一区)

23.Y. Zhou,H. Wang, Q. Zeng, R. Zhang, S. Meng, “A contribution-aware noise feature representation model for image manipulation localization,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 298: 1-11, 2024 (中科院一区)

24.Y. Zhou,H. Wang, Q. Zeng, R. Zhang, S. Meng, “Exploring weakly-supervised image manipulation localization with tampering Edge-based class activation map,” Expert Systems With Applications, 249: 1-12, 2024 (中科院一区)

25.Q. Zeng,H. Wang, Y. Zhou, R. Zhang, S. Meng, “Semi-supervised image manipulation localization with residual enhancement,” Expert Systems With Applications, 252: 1-13, 2024 (中科院一区)

26.M. Zhang,H. Wang, et al., “Exposing unseen GAN-generated image using unsupervised domain adaptation,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 257: 1-14, 2022 (中科院一区)

27.S. Abdullahi, S. Sun, B. Wang, N. Wei,H. Wang, “Biometric template attacks and recent protection mechanisms: A survey,” Information fusion, 103: 102144, 2024 (中科院一区)

28.Y. Xiang,H. Wang, L. Yang, M. He, F. Zhang, “SEDD: robust blind image watermarking with single encoder and dual decoders,” The Computer Journal,, 2024 (CCF B类期刊)

29.H. Wang,H. Wang, F. Zhang, J. Xia, “Robust watermarking against camera shooting for Powerpoint presentation,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 31: 1264-1268, 2024 (JCR二区)

30.Y. Chen,H. Wang, W. Li, J. Luo, “Cost reassignment for improving security of adaptive steganography using an artificial immune system,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29: 1564-1568, 2022 (JCR二区)

31.X. Wu,H. Wang, “Asymmetric contrastive learning for audio fingerprinting,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29: 1873-1877, 2022 (JCR二区)

32.M. Hu,H. Wang, “Image steganalysis against adversarial steganography by combining confidence and pixel artifacts,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 30: 987-991, 2023(JCR二区)

33.Y. Li,H. Wang, M. Barni, “A survey of deep neural network watermarking techniques,” Neurocomputing, 461: 171-193, 2021 (JCR二区)

34.J. Li,H. Wang, P. He, S. Abdullahi, B. Li, “Long-term variable Q transform: A novel time-frequency transform algorithm for synthetic speech detection,” Digital Signal Processing, 120: 1-11, 2022 (JCR二区)

35.J. Zhang,H. Wang, P. He, “Dual-branch multi-scale densely connected network for image splicing detection and localization,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, 119: 1-13, 2023 (JCR二区)

36.S. Abdullahi, S. Sun,H. Wang, et al., “The reversibility of cancelable biometric templates based on iterative perturbation stochastic approximation strategy,” Pattern Recognition Letters, 172: 221-229, 2023(JCR二区)

37.A. Malik,H. Wang, et al.,“Reversible data hiding in homomorphically encrypted image using interpolation technique,” Journal of Information Security and Applications, 48: 102374, 2019(JCR二区)

38.F. Zhang,H. Wang, M. He, L. Yang, J. Li, “Adaptive video watermarking with perceptual guarantee and efficiency optimization,”IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP),Seoul, South Korea, 2024(CCF B类国际会议)

39.F. Zhang,H. Wang, M. He, L. Yang, J. Li, “Exploring consistent spatio-temporal distortion and stable 3-D DCT coefficients for robust blind video watermarking,”IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP),Seoul, South Korea, 2024(CCF B类国际会议)

40.H. Wang,H. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Shi, “Enhanced screen shooting resilient document watermarking,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP),Seoul, South Korea, 2024(CCF B类国际会议)

41.M. Zhang,H. Wang, P. He, A. Malik, H. Liu, “Improving GAN-generated image detection generalization using unsupervised domain adaptation,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Taipei, Taiwan, 2022 (CCF B类国际会议)

42.J. Xia,H. Wang, S. Abdullahi, H. Wang, F. Zhang, B. Luo, “Adaptive and robust Fourier-Mellin-based image watermarking for social networking platforms,”IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 2843-2848, 2023(CCF B类国际会议)

43.Q. Zeng,H. Wang, Y. Zhou, R. Zhang, S. Meng, “A parallel attention mechanism for image manipulation detection and localization,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP),Rhodes Island, Greece,2023(CCF B类国际会议)

44.Y. Zhou,H. Wang, Q. Zeng, R. Zhang, S. Meng, “A discriminative multi-channel noise feature representation model for image manipulation localization,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP),Rhodes Island, Greece,2023(CCF B类国际会议)

45.P. He, H. Li,H. Wang, “Detection of fake images via the ensemble of deep representations from multi color spaces,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2019, pp. 2299-2303(CCF推荐国际会议)

46.Y. Liu,H. Wang, “Feature selection based on clonal selection algorithm for image steganalysis,” Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), pp. 2441-2447, 2023

47.F. Zhang,H. Wang,L. Yang, M. He, “Robust blind video watermarking by constructing spread-spectrum matrix,” IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Shanghai, China, 2022

48.Y. Li, L. Abady,H. Wang, M. Barni, “A feature-map-based large-payload DNN watermarking algorithm,” International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 13180, Springer, pp. 135-148, 2022

49.L. Yang,H. Wang, Y. Zhang,et al.,“A robust DCT-based video watermarking scheme against recompression and synchronization attacks,” International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 13180, Springer, pp. 149-162, 2022

50.H. Liu,H. Wang, M. Zhang, “Exposing Deepfake videos using facial decomposition-based domain generalization,” IEEE 24th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2022

51.F. Zhang,H. Wang, M. He, J. Li, “Adaptive despread spectrum-based image watermarking for fast product tracking,” International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 13825, Springer, pp. 174-189, 2023

52.H. Wang, J. Sang, “Speaker identity tracing using fingerprint data hiding against telecommunications fraud,” Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC), pp. 554-559, 2018

53.H. Wang, Z. Chen, et al., “Constructing immune cover for secure steganography based on an artificial immune system approach,” International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), LNCS 12617, Springer, pp. 53-67, 2021

54.H. Wang, W. Zhang, et al., “Remote authentication of speaker identity based on perceptual fingerprint hashing,” International Workshop on Secure Biometric Technologies (IWSBT), Seoul, Korea, pp. 54-62, 2016 (获最佳论文奖)

55.S. Abdullahi,H. Wang, A.Malik, “Fingerprint image hashing based on minutiae points and shape context,”International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, 10(4): 1-20, 2018 (获IWDCF 2017最佳论文奖)

56.Y. Chen,H. Wang, et al., “Defining cost function for robust embedding,”International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security(ICAIS), CCIS 1252, Springer, pp. 626-638, 2020 (获最佳论文奖)

57.袁超,王宏霞,何沛松,“基于注意力机制的高容量通用图像隐写模型, ”软件学报,35(3): 1502-1514, 2024

58.张玉林,王宏霞,“语义一致性引导的多任务拼接篡改检测算法, ”中国图象图形学报,28(3): 775-788, 2023

59.张卫明,王宏霞,李斌,任延珍,杨忠良,陈可江,李伟祥,张新鹏,俞能海,“多媒体隐写研究进展, ”中国图象图形学报,27(6): 1918-1943, 2022

60.章蕾,王宏霞,“用于失配隐写分析的对抗子领域自适应网络, ”网络与信息安全学报, 8(3): 76-86, 2022

61.张婧媛,王宏霞,何沛松,“基于Transformer的多任务图像拼接篡改检测算法, ”计算机科学, 50(1): 114-122, 2023

62. 韩松源,王宏霞,蒋子渝,“面向流动追踪的多层鲁棒Excel文档水印, ”计算机科学, 51(5): 374-381, 2024









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